The second chance

A romantic view from Bergamo about the Europa league draw

That away trip that couldn’t be made is now a reality again.

Do you know that feeling when your making a wonderful dream but all of a sudden there’s something that ruins it?

You’re dreaming about a tropical beach with a crystal clear sea but you’re somehow stuck in the sand and you can’t dive into it, or else a beautiful woman suddenly speaks to you but your mouth is like sealed and you can’t answer her.

This is what happened to the atalantini back in 2020, when the bergamasc team qualified for the Champions league in the same group with Liverpool Football Club.

A dream. To host the scousers in Bergamo and then, for the away game, fly to Merseyside and enter the legendary Anfield gates. To play in front of the Kop, the hot stand of the reds.

A dream however no one could take part outside the players and their staffs. Covid restrictions were clear: games behind closed doors and no away travels.

Considering how hard the people of Bergamo has been hit by the pandemic, it looked like a bad joke of the destiny. That little sparkle of joy, after such a difficult period for the city, immediately faded away.

And then there was also the stadium. Finally ready and certified for UEFA competitions, so Atalanta didn’t have to rent San Siro in Milan or Mapei stadium in Reggio Emilia like in the previous european campaigns, it had to be left empty for this historical clash.

Who knows whenever this chance could show up again?

Almost four years later. Friday 15th of March 2024. Few minutes after 1.00 pm. From the magical bowl in Nyon, Llorente starts to draw the names. Every team hopes to get the easiest way to reach the Europa league final in Dublin.

Firsts two names: AC Milan and AS Roma.

Let them play an italian derby. La Dea fancies another exotic destination across Europe.

Third name: Liverpool FC.

Ahia! But maybe, unconsciously, the atalantini hope in a more dangerous pairing, which is also a chance they deserve to remedy at that old regret.

Few seconds before the opening of the fourth sphere. In every corner of a nerazzurro‘s mind there’s the myth Anfield. Where they won but no one was there to celebrate during that cold night in November 2020.

The Klopp’s army, at his last season in charge, against Gasperini and his lads.

Llorente opens the sphere.

Lifts the paper in front of the cameras.

He reads clearly: “Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio”.

The dream has just restarted.

For everyone connected to Bergamo and Atalanta “this means more”.

Here’s a quick survey about the game

(* the choreography in the picture says “MAI SOLA” that translated is “NEVER ALONE”)